

Social Media 101

Social Media is one of my passions and staying smart and professional on various mediums have short and long term benefits. Starting early gets yourself ahead of everyone else. What does this have to do with UBM? Well, your Public Relations Manager wouldn't be here without making a strong presence on social media! That’s how I landed the job.Here are a few tips to help gain your presence on social media.There is no need to worry about being a pro at the beginning. It is about taking these few steps to achieving "pro" status:

1) Join the necessary social media mediums:

BE STRATEGIC-   Join those that are popular among businesses (Twitter you might find pointless but it will help you achieve your growth and presence in the professional world). As well, join mediums you love for personal interest like Pinterest, a collective board pinning site, but build your "brand" that way (something we will get to in point 3).

2) Find your niche:
Find the outlets that show your STRONGEST communication skills (visual or writing) and make it business worthy. However, stick to the few social mediums that may NOT necessarily be your strength but will allow you to stay in the business realm and continue your presence to be known.

3) Develop your personal profile/brand:When you write, tweet, or pin anything. MAKE IT YOUR OWN! You’re unique. Let that showcase with your work. Employers are usually looking for a unique individual who can bring something new to the company with a strong skill set. What you put out on the internet represents you. Ensure that your essence comes along with it.

4) Content is key! Unique content (such as opinion pieces) gets the audience know you’re bringing out your TRUE ESSENCE and character but in an interesting light.  You should give reference to other material but ensure you provide your opinion. Also, ensure the material is concise, understandable, and written in professional manner. "Writing writing 50 times like dis won’t get you ur dream jooob." You need to have your viewers engaged and keep it professional. Think about it like this, would you want to hire someone you thought wasn’t capable of doing the job right because he/ she was unable to spell properly? No. Any modern references like "#fml" are fine. They represent a connection to societal trends, just don't overuse them.

These tips helped me get where I am today. If you want to go in depth further with content
writing or any of the tips I provided, check out my blogs: